
Why I Switched To Home Row Modifier Keys

The day has come where I have to pay attention to my keyboard ergonomics. This realization came to me as I was finishing going through the book “Writing An Interpreter In Go” and I began having some pain in my hands. This was my first time writing multiple thousands of lines of code in one project and I would go through the book in large chunks at the time. Combine that with extensive use of hotkeys and I found myself frequently putting my hands in weird unnatural positions, which is what I believe led to the discomfort in my hands.
3 minutes to read

An (Actually) Easy Guide to Editing the Fstab file

The fstab file contains the drives that will be mounted at boot time. It contains 6 columns of information that can be divided with tabs or spaces. Column 1: Device: You can use the UUID (Recommended) or device path (UUID=UUID or /dev/*device name*) Column 2: Mount Point: Directory you want the drive to be mounted in. This can be a path to anywhere on the system. Column 3: File System: Put the partitions file system, auto is valid if unknown Column 4: Options: Allows to change the behavior of the mounted drive.
2 minutes to read